Thursday, April 27, 2006
George Allen Racist Story Goes Mainstream

Howling Latina has been beating the George Allen racist drum for a while; and as contributing writer for The Virginia Progressive, Allen was profiled as the GOP Bastard of the Month; so I am glad to see that the 'Allen Racist' story will soon go mainstream.
Raw Story posted a link to Taegan Goddard's Political Wire in advance of the soon-to-be released racist past of Sen. George Allen in a feature story by the New Republic.
The legitimate heirs of the Old South could righteously argue that the Confederate flag is simply a symbol of their heritage, but guess what folks? Allen ain't Southern; and he sure as the dickens wasn't Southern when he lived as a teen in the beachy estates of Southern California.[A]uthor Ryan Lizza finds many of Allen's high school classmates surprised that he's considering running for president because of the racist tendencies he displayed as a teenager. They say he "plastered the school with confederate flags" and drove a red Mustang with a confederate flag on the front. Then Lizza got a copy of Allen's high school yearbook:
I stared closely at Allen’s smirk in his photo, weighing whether his old classmates were just out to destroy him. And then I noticed something on his collar. It’s hard to make out, but then it becomes obvious. Seventeen-year-old George Allen is wearing a Confederate flag pin.
When confronted with this evidence, Allen sent an email through an aide with this explanation: "When I was in high school in California, I generally bucked authority and the rebel flag was just a way to express that attitude.”
From my perch, Allen's ugly racist past is rearing its foul head for voters to see; and then hopefully news wires and our feckless Virginia media will pick up the story after it's safe to write about it; that is, someone with courage has already given voice to Allen's hateful, intolerant, bigoted history.
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