Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Caroline Kennedy Out...

It's official. Brian Williams of NBC News reports that Caroline Kennedy has asked her name to be withdrawn from consideration to replace Hillary in the Senate. It seems that Caroline didn't really want the job after all.

Or...she got the bad news that Gov. David Patterson decided to appoint someone else and decided to save what little dignity she had left and withdraw.

Well, Howling Latina is batting 1000 of late. No "Meet the Press" gig for Olby and Tweety. No DNC chairmanship for Howard; no Cabinet post for Bill 'Judas' Richardson. Roland Burris was seated; and now Caroline goes down. Although every media pundit insisted Caroline was a shoo-in because El Nuevo Dedeterminante wanted her, yep, the howler predicted it all.

The cosmic consciousness of 'just desserts' is simply paying in kind every person who doubled crossed Madame Secretary Hillary Clinton during her presidential run. And it couldn't be happening to a nicer bunch. Now as added whip cream on that sweet gooey design, the howler was also right about Al Franken; he won and it's just a matter of time before he joins his brethren in Washington.

H/T Oooh, Nuance! for Caroline Kennedy image.

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