Sunday, September 07, 2008


"Please don't play the 'race' card," McCain's campaign loudly telegraphed Obama.

With sinking poll numbers and most of the wind beneath the sails of John and Sarah's campaign airship, Obama is once again reduced to playing the race card.

Barack Obama’s suggestion that the McCain campaign is somehow trying to paint him with ‘Muslim connections’ is false, and a cynical attempt to play the victim," Rick Davis, Sen. John McCain's campaign manager, said today. "We’ve seen Barack Obama use these tactics before -- and they’re just as offensive and wrong as they were the last time."

Davis was referring to comments Obama made Friday in Duryea, Pa., in which the Democrat said that Republicans, "when they say, 'This isn’t about issues, it’s about personalities,' what they’re really saying is, 'We’re going to try to scare people about Barack. So we’re going to say that you know, maybe he’s got Muslim connections or we’re going to say that, you know, he hangs out with radicals or he’s not patriotic.'"

Give it a rest; this is the general election and collective guilt doesn't work too well with bitter, gun-toting folks in Middle America.

H/T Political Punch.

They're ratcheting up the collective guilt to full volume at the Cheeto, though:
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