Monday, August 04, 2008

Watch it Boyz...

Bill Clinton on "Good Morning America" said the obvious; he's not a racist. And the howler swears herewith that she's not a racist, either, although she can't help but wonder if Bill might have a few more words to say on the subject in the a few days before Election Day.

Now to the topic dejour. Who is the best candidate to be Barky's running mate?

Don't wanna tip the howler's hand, but former Gov. Mario Cuomo zeroes in on the no-brainer with a great quote via Politico.

No matter who he picks,” said former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo, “the question is going to be raised: Are you telling me that this person would be a better qualified vice president than Hillary Clinton?”
And please don't dismiss what Cuomo says and group him with another race baiting Democrat; you know, that awful she-monster Geraldine Ferraro.

If he picked Claire McCaskill or [Janet] Napolitano [or Kathleen] Sebelius, I think it would annoy women,” Ferraro said.
No switcheroo of the Clarence Thomas for Thurgood Marshall kind. It's Hillary or nothing.

Hate to sound like a broken record but...

"No matter who he picks the question is going to be raised: Are you telling me that this person would be a better qualified vice president than Hillary Clinton?"

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