Thursday, June 19, 2008

Democratic Unity of the Shunning Kind

It seems the howler's enthusiastic support of Hillary Clinton and her critical posts about Obama has lost her a few links in the Virginia blogosphere.

For the record, business is swell. Howling Latina has more visitors each day than she ever had before; she's only sorry that some folks take this nasty primary business so hard. And until the last delegate has voted Obama over the top, she'll keep pointing out Obama's weak points and to hell with her former friends.

Meanwhile, Bell Curve Andrew Sullivan is still spewing the biggest lie of all. Hillary ran the absolutely most divisive and racist race -- ever. No link, go find it on your own.

See you in September -- or maybe not.

Yeah, some people take this primary business way too hard.

Why can't they follow your example? You've clearly moved on.....
"Business is swell. Howling Latina has more visitors each day than she ever had before."

They're rubber-neckers, Howl, not visitors. It's like a car accident. They know they shoudn't, but they just have to look.
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