Wednesday, August 29, 2007

GOP Hearts Unfunded Mandates

Never mind that Virginia Republicans have just about bankrupted the state with their steadfast refusal to fund roads, schools, health care and other services. Now in their haste to keep voters' minds off the harebrained abuser fees they pushed through the General Assembly in the spring, they want to add unfunded mandates to local governments and make worse their legacy of depravity and incompetence.

Yep, according to the Washington Post, the latest "GOP proposals" would:

--require sheriffs to confirm an arrested person's legal presence in the United States by checking nationwide databases maintained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement;

--require every jail to have at least one person on duty at all times who has been certified by ICE to detain an illegal immigrant until deportation proceedings can begin;

--establish a legal presumption that bail will be denied when an illegal immigrant is charged with an offense punishable by jail or prison time;

--make a federal conviction for hiring illegal immigrants grounds for suspension of a state business license; and

--prohibit illegal immigrants from attending Virginia public colleges unless they have a valid student visa.

Oh, uh. Sanctions against businessowners...???

Guess Big Business ain't exactly thrilled with the list of batwing proffers. It would put them at a disadvantage with out-of-state employers and cost them $$$ when caught.

So...GOPers, you're no longer BB's buttercup. Dems lineup and cash in.

In the meantime, welcome to the home of Dixie and Southern hospitality, batwing style. Bend over and let the party of fiscal responsibility and family values with Virginia State Del. John Welch and United States Sen. Larry Craig leading the parade bend you over for a rammin' good exercise.

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