Friday, June 29, 2007

"Meet the Press" - Good Show

For the past month or so, Howling Latina stopped posting about upcoming guests for the Sunday talk show, "Meet the Press." They were lame and hardly worth watching, much less writing about.

But...this Sunday is different. The guest of honor will be Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy of Vermont.

Indeed, at long last, the nation will have a chance to wake up from their stupor and learn of the high crimes and misdemeanors the Bush administration has perpetrated against the American people; and how they deem themselves outside and above the law.

Exclusive on the menu of topics will be "congressional subpoenas seeking testimony and documents from the White House about the NSA surveillance program, the firings of several U.S. Attorneys and the 'politicization' within the Department of Justice."

Slowly but surely, they natives are waking up. In having lunch today with a GOP faithful, Howling Latina actually heard her complain about the way One-Shot Cheney was pissing all over the Constitution and claiming everything he did was top-secret and outside Congressional oversight.

This Sunday, David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network (not to be confused with windbag David Broder of the Washington Post) will also be joining moderator Tim Russert along with Tavis Smiley of PBS, Chuck Todd of NBC and Judy Woodruff of "The News Hour with Jim Lehrer."

This is one Sunday talk-show certainly worth watching.

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