Friday, December 01, 2006

Hispanics Want to Move the TX-23 Runoff Date

Gov. Rick "Hairspray" Perry set Dec. 12 as the runoff election day between Republican Rep. Henry Bonilla and former Rep. Ciro Rodriguez, D-San Antonio. However, the Associated Press reports that Hispanics want the date moved a week later.

You see, Dec. 12 is the Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe, patron saint of Mexico and Latin America.
The League of United Latin American Citizens has said the election should be set for Dec. 19. The group contends the earlier date discriminates against Hispanics to help Bonilla, whose support among Latinos has been eroding.
States like Texas with the exalted "history of voting discrimination against minority groups" must obtain "DOJ approval, known as preclearance, of election changes or decisions under the Voting Rights Act."

In other words, Texas has to get approval for EVERYTHING having to do with their elections.

Of course, Texas is now claiming they had absolutely no idea, none, that Dec. 12 was a "holy day" for Hispanics.

Yep, that's kinna like holding elections in New York City during Roshashana, Egypt during Ramadan or Italy on Christmas Day and then claiming ignorance.

Luis Vera Jr., national counsel for LULAC and Rodriguez's campaign treasurer in the runoff, is asking DOJ to reject that date.

"The vast majority of Hispanics in South Texas are Latinos and they honor that day," Vera said. "They way it works, they go to Mass, go to work and then go to Mass. They fast. They pray. They are in church all night. There are a lot of activities going on. Voting is way at the bottom of the list."

Well that's the point, my dear amigo!

Será un día especial para los mejicanos/chicanos.
Para el resto de américa (es decir, todos los paises de América salvo Canada, USA y Mejico), el feriado es el 8 de diciembre.
Ustedes los yankees son ignorantes, se hacen los ignorantes o están orgullosos de su ignorancia??.
Creo que son los dos. Orgulloss de la ignoranica y orgulloso de hacernos ignorantes.

Como decir, completemente idiotos.
No saben ni hablar castellano, y se hacen los defensores de los "hispanos"; qué sobrenombre ridículo para los habitantes de latinoamérica ese de "hispanos".
La característica principal de los imperios ha sido siempre la de subestimar al resto; ponerles una etiqueta a los diferentes (en el caso de USA a quienes no sean WASP) y hacerlos saltar como monos por unas migas de pan. Demócratas, republicanos... son todos iguales. Y los inmigrantes latinoamericanos en USA, cobardes todos.
Por suerte, los ciclos de la historia siempre han sido fatales para todos los imperios.
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