Friday, October 20, 2006
We're Almost Home - Democrats Will Win!!!!
The Rothenberg Political Report has Democrats winning at least four Senate seats in the midterm elections.
Currently, there are also four toss-ups, three Republican incumbents; and yes, read it and weep, you Virginia GOP nutwings, the toss-ups include George Allen's safe seat that was supposed to assure his triumphant run for president in '08.
Joining Virginia is Missouri with incumbent Republican Sen. Jim Talent in a deadheat with Democratic State Auditor Claire McCaskill, Tennesee's open seat to replace Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist with Republican Chattanooga Mayor Bob Corker going against Democratic Rep. Harold Ford and New Jersey with incumbent Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez challenged by Tom Kean, Jr.
But...forget New Jersey; the way the political tea leaves appear to be aligning, Howling Latina is almost certain that her fellow "Cubanito" will survive Señor Junior.
Currently, there are also four toss-ups, three Republican incumbents; and yes, read it and weep, you Virginia GOP nutwings, the toss-ups include George Allen's safe seat that was supposed to assure his triumphant run for president in '08.
Joining Virginia is Missouri with incumbent Republican Sen. Jim Talent in a deadheat with Democratic State Auditor Claire McCaskill, Tennesee's open seat to replace Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist with Republican Chattanooga Mayor Bob Corker going against Democratic Rep. Harold Ford and New Jersey with incumbent Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez challenged by Tom Kean, Jr.
But...forget New Jersey; the way the political tea leaves appear to be aligning, Howling Latina is almost certain that her fellow "Cubanito" will survive Señor Junior.