Sunday, October 29, 2006

Republicans Take $$$ From Gay Porn "King"

Steamed about sexual passages in fiction?

Not too worry, George Allen and his GOP friends have been happily taking money from a gay movie mogul to protect the " littluns" from smut and advance GOP family values across America.

Joshua Micah Marshall of Talking Points Memo reports:
It turns out that the Republican National Committee is a regular recipient of political contributions from Nicholas T. T. Boyias, the owner and CEO of Marina Pacific Distributors, one of the largest producers and distributors of gay porn in the United States....Some recent releases include "Fire in the Hole", "Flesh and Boners", even a "Velvet Mafia" series.

So dear Virginia dupes, every time you hear an Allen ad sponsored by the National Republican National Committee that attacks Webb and his character, give your loyal and royal thanks to gay porn "king" Boyias for your valuable information.

Republicans took $500,000 from Mark Foley and have also refused to return that money.
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