Tuesday, October 24, 2006

"Purely Overt Racist Approach" by GOPers (George Allen's pals)

That's right, GOP nutwings, the headline for this post is a direct quote from a CNN interview with former Defense Secretary William Cohen, a staunch Republican, when commenting about the racist ad currently running in Tennessee.

The ad, as Cohen says, is a "very serious appeal to a racist sentiment." No ifs, ands or buts.

In the commercial, a blonde naked woman in a husky, breathless voice beckons Rep. Harold Ford, D-TN., to call her; you know, for some hanky-panky of the sexual and electoral type.

Well, nothing gets the gander of a good ol' boys from the South than the thought of his white woman being defiled by the wild beast of his historic nightmare: a male mulatto in all his man-ness and all his glory.

And as everyone knows, Ford is an African-American who is running for the open Senate seat in Tennesee. The horror and temerity of it all. Except for one teeny little GOP problem, 16.8 percent of the population in Tennessee is black.

Next time one of you fatuous GOPers tries to tell Howling Latina that racism is dead; and the new South has amended her ways, please refer to the latest Bob Corker campaign ad; and then brush up on the North Carolina smear campaign against Harvey Gantt a little over a decade ago.

Indeed, the more things try to change, the more that folks who might end up on the losing end of a political power struggle smear, besmirch, tar and feather their opponents with outrageous discourse such as this one.

Let's face it, a vote for any Republican who has used race to set himself apart and appeal to his racist base, such as Jesse Helms, Bob Corker and yes, George Felix Allen, is a vote to protect the status quo and preserve racial inequality.

Folks, it's that simple; don't try to lie and deny that it's anything else; at least be honest to yourself.

In Jr. High, I was a big comix fan. One of my favorites was called "Cloak and Dagger" which was a comic about a black male superhero and a white female. I loved it, because it had a good storyline and the characters were very well rounded.

One time I was picking up a copy and a friend of mine got really mad about it. He was freaked out that a Black man and a white woman would get that close. That was in Denver in the 80's, Racism isn't just in the South, it's part of our American heritage and we need to face it with eyes wide open.
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