Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Bully, Bully, Bully!

One more time, Virginians got to see first-hand how the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

Taking a cue from our junior senator is the latest incident of bullying tactics courtesy of Allen's batwing supporters.

You see, during a public forum, a University of Virginia law student and former Marine tried to pose a legitimate question of Allen about his sealed divorce record and secret police incident but instead of an answer, Allen's henchment jumped up, tackled him, dragged him off and then for good measure, slammed him to the floor.

The incident was auspiciously caught on tape and the defense by Allen boosters that the other guy started the rukus is belied by the evidence. A few desperate bloggers have even tried to claim that Mike Stark was a "serial" troublemaker and got his just desserts.

The Warped View writes:

Serial campaign disruptor Mike Stark has issued a letter in which he says: Earlier today at a public event, I was attempting to ask Senator Allen a question about his sealed divorce record and his arrest in the 1970s, both of which are in the public domain.

The goober senator's former wife has also come to Allen's defense, characterizing the question as "a baseless, cheap shot." Maybe so...but not as cheap a shot as the one Allen's trolls administered to poor Stark when they assaulted him.

In trying to frame the bullying, Warped View had the audacity to dismiss the facts and ask, "Why does Webb condone this behavior?" Well, the more seminal question is why do Allen followers think it's perfectly legitimate to use violence against an opponent to quelch a query?

Last time Howling Latina checked, it's a free country where folks are allowed to pose questions to public officials without the prospect of bodily injury. The only "serial" thing going on is Allen's penchant for bullying. It's a recurring theme throughout his entire private and public life with a few of the latest highlights by way of Macacasville and now slam-and-run.

What's Allen's next plan for Webb supporters? A friendly tour at Guantanamo?

In an e-mail interview, Bob Geiger of Huffunton Post reports that Stark plans to file suit.
"George Allen, at any time, could have stopped the fray. All he had to do was say, 'This is not how my campaign is run. Take your hands off that man.' He could have ignored my questions. Instead he and his thugs chose violence. That is not the America I love."
His fan club wants us to think that it's totally appropriate for them to clobber an opponent but beyond the pale for that opponent to pose a question during a campaign rally.

Yep, that sounds about right...insanely convoluted GOP logic for your afternoon delight.

I hope other Virginians will refuse to be bullied by Allen's Goons....

I hope that Virginians will show up at EVERY Allen stop between now and the election and DEMAND ANBSWERS about WHY he was arrested...DEMAND that he be the open book he says he is and release his bar application and unseal his divorce records.

You should be asking yourselves, especially you women: why am I so rabidly promoting someone like James Webb, a man that says he will fight for a woman's right to stick scissors in the brain of little helpless babies. Or is it that you think the babies are bullies too?

How sick is the Democratic party to make this issue the litmus test for judges and candidates. And you disguise this by saying the real issue is the war and that the president is 'stupid'. We see through all this. You liberals are just plain immoral. You support perversion in every form while saying you want to protect our children. God help us and our country...
Anonymous, please provide a direct quote instead of your sick characterization or STFU.
Anonymous here... Henceforth known as Anonymous A, so you you don't get me confused with anonymous pottymouth...

Where does Jim stand on Abortion? Either he thinks it's ok to kill helpless babies or not. There is no in between.

What's his stand on parital birth abortion? Either he thinks it's ok to stick scissors into their brain or not. There is no in between.

What is he going to do about sending MY TAX DOLLARS to Planned Parenthood? We know what they do with their Government grants.

I want to hear HIS quotes. He has to convince me because he is the one running for office. Or maybe I should show up at HIS APPEARANCES and ask him at the top of my lungs, "ARE YOU FOR KILLING LITTLE HELPLESS BABIES?"

I think that's a good idea. Yes... That's an excellent idea! I wonder how his thugs would react to that?!?
The more cogent question to ask is,"Where does George Allen stand on the issue?"

Allen has consistently fip-flopped on the issue. His very first legislative vote in Washington was to vote against George I, along with other Dems.
Huh? That's not what I asked...

Typical liberal... won't answer the question. I thought you were on Webb's team. Where does Webb stand?

I don't think you even know. Maybe he doesn't know. I know where Allen stands and you would only misrepresent what his stand is.

Blah, Blah, Blah... This blog is not only going nowhere it's now officially in reverse.

I wish it was Tuesday, so I could rub your face in it!
I have old news stories that I plan to write about highlighting front and center Allen's gyrations on the subject this weekend, courtesy of LexisNexis.

No time now.
Don't bother... You won't be answering the right question. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT WEBB'S STAND IS NOT ALLEN!

Reverse has a second gear...

Or maybe you like other liberals have forgotten that words mean things.

When I asked,

'Where does Jim stand on Abortion? Either he thinks it's ok to kill helpless babies or not. There is no in between.

What's his stand on parital birth abortion? Either he thinks it's ok to stick scissors into their brain or not. There is no in between.

What is he going to do about sending MY TAX DOLLARS to Planned Parenthood? We know what they do with their Government grants.

I want to hear HIS quotes.'

what you thought I meant was,

'Show me how Allen has flip-flopped.'

Liberals not only can't say what they mean, the can't hear what others mean.

Give me a straight answer for once if it is possible. Now here is the question again.

'What is Jim Webb's (not George Allen's) stand on abortion.'

Simple... The ball's in you court.
I don't have to play your little game of gotcha, especially since you lame accusations apply more to your candidate than mine.

I don't recall Webb ever presenting himself as a rabid Evangelical, like Allen.

Besides, Christians believe the issues of war, social justice and the death are equally compelling.

Since you're so gung-ho about abortion, what is your stance on the death penalty???? If you're 100 percent pro-life, you CANNOT be pro-capital punishment.

I hate to break it to you, but not every candidate will vote with you on every issue; in other words, contrary to the guy in the White House and his henchmen who have totally screwed up the entire world, not everything is black and white.

To discern character, HL likes to follow the words in the Bible that tell us "by thy fruits you shall know them." And Allen's fruits are as vile as they get.

No record of accomplishment except spouting nonsensical talking about without one creative thought in his racist mind.
Here is my response to your non-response.

1) Is this how you treat all inquiries to your 'campaign'? If so, it's a wonder anyone reads your blog or is even taking people in your campaign seriously.

2) I did not make 'lame accusations'. I asked questions. Maybe that is a concept that liberals don't understand. Person 'A' asks question then Person 'B' gives a answer related to that question. That didn't happen in this case.

3)You being a 'southern baptist' I assume you are 'religous'. Do you read your Bible? God Himself condemns to death anyone that causes a baby to die while in the mothers womb. Unless this is a result of an innocent mishap. So, I am Prolife. But God also condemns to death anyone who takes another life intentionally. So I am Pro-capital punishment. God teaches us that unborn life is to be protected and that murderers are to be put to death. Protect innocent life, kill murderers. No contradiction here. Your argument is not with me, instead you battle with God Himself.

So, your question/ condemnation/ conclusion,

'Since you're so gung-ho about abortion, what is your stance on the death penalty???? If you're 100 percent pro-life, you CANNOT be pro-capital punishment.'

is a illogical as well as unbiblical.

3)You still haven't answered the simple questions I asked. If you had you would have been seen as rational.

The way you responsed to me leaves any thinking person to conclude that Liberals like you (and Hillary, Bill and the like) can't react locically instead you react according to your emotions, attacking the one asking the question.'

You have not helped the campaign of James Webb by trying to make others look bad. That kind of strategy only ricochets and leaves no one uninjured.
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