Monday, August 22, 2005

Ideology be damned; hell hath no fury as the proverbial financial bottom line!

In delicious irony, the same company whose chairman told Republicans he was “committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to” Bush in ’04, has now decided to show a little love to Democrats as well.

Chief Executive Officer Walden O’Dell recently hired former Democratic National Committee chairman Joe Andrew to help him launch a national campaign to bring electronic voting to every booth in the land.

O'Dell must have concluded that writing off nearly one-half of the country is bad business and can definitely choke profit margins. Although Bush and Company were able to win without such swarming states as California, it’s an entirely different matter for profit-making enterprises such as Diebold.

Who knows, maybe this election cycle Mr. O’Dell will write yet another letter, only this time to Democratic bigwigs and promise to “deliver votes to” Ohio Democrats.

O’Dell envisions bringing his malfunctioning, error-ridden touch screen voting machines to the country, but alas, more than a few blue states aren’t buying.

As of today, 25 states require voting paper trails, and fourteen states have legislation pending that would also require paper footprints.

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